
Showing posts from September, 2023

The best breeds for narcotic dog searching in BC

Are you from BC and searching for reliable narcotic dog searching services? Law enforcement agencies trust these breeds to combat drug trafficking. Let’s find out the most reliable and accurate breeds you can consider for your next search operation. 1.Labrador retriever: These friendly and obedient dogs are known for their intelligence and strong work ethic. Labs are often the first choice for narcotics detection due to their sharp noses and ability to quickly learn and follow commands 2.German shepherd: These loyal and fearless dogs are often associated with police work, and for good reason. German Shepherds are highly trainable and have an incredible sense of smell. Their strong protective instincts and agility make them a top choice for tracking down narcotics. 3.Dutch herder: They are less popular than German shepherds, but they are a very intelligent breed. They are high in demand for their obedient nature. The breed is a good choice for search and rescue operations. 4.Belg